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Corporate Profile

Company Name Sharp NEC Display Solutions, Ltd.
Head Office

Head Office

Mita Kokusai Building, 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0073 Japan

Capital 3.0 billion yen
(jointly invested by Sharp Corporation and NEC Corporation)
Business Field Development, manufacturing, and sales of visual display products and visual display solutions
Employees Approximately 750 (Global consolidated)
Establishment January 18, 2000
Net Sales 583.2 Billion yen
(Global consolidated sales for the fiscal year ended March31, 2023)
(Company Name Change)
November 1, 2020

Shonan Technical Center

Shonan Technical Center, Kanagawa, Japan

Nara Bases, Yamato-Koriyama, Nara, Japan

Overseas Affiliates Sharp NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc. (USA)
Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH (Germany)
Regional Headquarters in China Sharp NEC Display Solutions (China), Ltd.
(Shenzhen, China)

Executive Staff

Chairman Tetsuji Kawamura
President Toshiaki Yamamoto
Member of the Board (part-time) Wen-Chung Hsu
Member of the Board (part-time) Kenichi Kimura
Member of the Board (part-time) Yasukazu Kobayashi
Member of the Board (part-time) Shinzou Dote
Member of the Board (part-time) Toshinori Kusaba
Senior Vice President Yasunori Minagawa
Senior Vice President Kohji Yakushiji
Senior Vice President Kazuya Fukuda
Audit and Supervisory Board Member (part-time) Makoto Izumi
Audit and Supervisory Board Member (part-time) Ohyama Yoshihisa
Audit and Supervisory Board Member (part-time) Kensuke Yoshida

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